The Research on the Relationship Between Dimension Scale and Compression Strength for Corrugated Box 瓦楞纸箱的尺寸比与抗压强度关系的研究
The electrical resistivity of cemented soil increased with the increment of age and unconfined compression strength, whereas decreased with the increment of strain. 研究表明,水泥土电阻率随龄期和无侧限抗压强度的增大而增大,随着应变的增加而逐渐降低;
The unconfined compression strength of the undisturbed and remolded specimens are studied in the conditions of the dehydration or adding moisture content. 针对原状土样和重塑土样在脱湿或加湿过程中无侧限抗压强度的变化进行了研究。
Interrelated law between mode-ⅰ fracture toughness and compression strength of rock 岩石断裂韧度与抗压强度的相关规律
Compressive strength, compression strength oil pressure test for 抗压强度,耐压强度strength油压强度试验
The relations between axial compression strength and cubic compressive strength and the influence of the size effect to slag powder fiber concrete are analyzed. 结果表明,矿渣微粉的加入增强了各龄期纤维混凝土的强度,对纤维混凝土的强度性能起到了良好的改善作用。
Another physical requirement is high compression strength. 另一个物理的要求是很高的压缩强度。
On the Influence of Wind Box Structure of Circular Cooler on Pellets Compression Strength oil pressure test for 环冷机风箱结构对球团矿抗压强度影响之初探strength油压强度试验
The authors obtain compression strength and pulling out post-insert force by a number of briquettes and test specimens and find out the relationship between them by linear regression. 通过一定数量的试块和试件,得到抗压强度和后装拔出力,利用线性回归找出二者的相互关系。
Firstly, the concepts of the interval compression strength and the tensile strength are proposed. 首先,提出了岩石的抗压区间强度、抗拉区间强度的概念;
Therefore it is a feasible method to get the corrugated boxes compression strength with buckling analysis. 因此利用屈曲分析计算瓦楞纸箱的抗压强度是一种可行的方法。
The result shows that the best calcining temperature of coal gangue is700 ℃, where the cement mortar shows the best compression strength and bending strength. 实验发现所用煤矸石的最佳煅烧温度为700℃,此时水泥胶砂具有最高的抗压和抗折强度。
When the sample is at the stage of grinding damage, the axial force and torque are related to the Young? s modulus, cohesion and internal friction angle except the compression strength. 而处于研磨阶段时,轴向压力、扭矩和试样弹性模量、黏聚力及内摩擦角有关,与抗压强度无关。
Experimental Study on the Axial Compression Strength of CS Wall Slabs CS墙板轴心受压承载力的试验研究
Experimental results show that the bearing capacity of medium weathered soft slate foundation from uniaxial compression strength of rock is much smaller than that from in-situ test. 室内岩石试验结果表明,按岩石饱和单轴抗压强度乘以折减系数确定的岳阳市城区中风化软质岩石地基的承载力远低于岩石地基的实际承载力。
To reconstruct the osseous defect, we prefer the fibula as the emphasis is on compression strength. 为重建骨性缺损,我们更喜欢用腓骨作为抗压的重点。
Factors Affecting the Compression Strength of Shenzhen Cement-stabilized Soft Soil 深圳软土水泥土抗压强度的影响因素研究
The utility model can bear load for long, having good wearability and great compression strength. 板的结构均匀对称,受力均匀,耐负荷和耐久性好,抗压强度大;
The results show that a certain amount of the mixed rare earth oxide content in the batch can increase the cold compression strength and the thermal shock resistance of the bricks. 试验结果表明,在配料中加入适量混合稀土氧化物对提高耐火制品的常温耐压强度和热震稳定性能是有益的。
Research on compression strength and modulus of deformation of cemented soil oil pressure test for 水泥土抗压强度和变形模量试验研究
Quality Control and Evaluation Methods of Portland Cement Concrete Compression Strength with Standard Deviation Requirements 有标准差要求的混凝土抗压强度质量控制与评定方法的研究及其运用
Based on lots of laboratory tests, influence factors and variable rules of the NCSS compression strength are analyzed. 在大量试验基础上,本文首先分析了影响纳米硅水泥土抗压强度的因素和变化规律。
Finite Element Analysis of Honeycomb and Corrugated Fiberboard Side Compression Strength 蜂窝纸板与瓦楞纸板边压强度有限元分析
Comparing with common foamed aluminum or its alloys, the composite has greater tensile and compression strength. 该泡沫材料比普通泡沫铝或铝合金具有更高的抗拉、抗压强度。
The Effect of Softening Treatment on Bamboo Water Content and Compression Strength 软化处理对竹材含水率及抗压力的影响
Experimental investigation is conducted to understand the compression strength and failure mechanisms of stitched laminates and unstitched laminates. 试验研究了有、无缝纫层合板的压缩强度和破坏机理。
Establishment and Study on Rebound Curve to Detect Pump Concrete Compression Strength with Resiliometer 泵送混凝土回弹专用测强曲线的建立与研究
The unconfined compression strength tests were performed on the cemented soil samples, and at the same time their electrical resistivities were measured. 通过对水泥土进行无侧限强度试验,并同步测量其电阻率,分析了水泥土在受压变形过程中电阻率变化规律。
The result indicated that the aggregate gradation has a remarkable effect on the compression strength. 结果表明,集料级配对二灰碎石的抗压强度有显著影响;